The Thirst – The Mediterranean Case

The Mediterranean sea is where Europe, Asia, and Africa all meet.

Throughout the ages, empires ruled over its entire coastline, and people used it to transfer goods, for recreation purposes, or to harvest its many food items.

Today along its shores there are more than 20 countries. No longer a single empire – but rather a Mosaic of People, as was described by Waterline’s guest in this episode.

Konstantina Toli, a Senior Programme Officer at Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean, points out the great challenges that are presented as our world is changing – namely climate change and the refugee’s crisis.
For example, in the past 5 years, nearly 2,000,000 human beings risked their lives in search of a better life and used the treacherous Mediterranean route.
The result – the stresses on water supplies in the region which were already quite significant, are constantly on the rise.

The interview was recorded during the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, in March of 2018.

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Interviewed in this episode:

Konstantina ToliGWP-Med

Theme and music composed by Nir Sayag.

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